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Psalm 52 - 54 Psalm 52 - 54

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Psalm 52 - 54

Posted by: Pasteur Etzer Altidor on Tue, Jun 11, 2019

Brothers and Sisters,

On the surface, it appears that the problem of atheism is a modern problem, It is as if people have become too sophisticated to believe in God.  And these people even adopt an air of superiority because of their unbelief. But this is not truly a modern issue, it had been around for as long as man entered into rebellion against God. The Psalmist writes first hand about the state of unbelief in his time, " The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. (Psalm 53:1)"

A belief in God forces some responsibilities on the believer. Since sinful men and women would go to the extreme to avoid those responsibilities, they declare that there is no God. They declare it in their heart and in their actions. But the reality is, there is God, one day he will call every man and woman to judgment. 

Psalm 52 - 54.

May the Lord richly bless you!


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