Brothers and Sisters,
Have you ever wonder why certain information is classified? We've talked a lot in this Bible Reading challenge about the necessity for true leaders to be transparent. But, that doesn't mean they must lay down their social security number on the table. There is a gradual degree of disclosure that we find throughout the Bible. Even the United States recognize that certain information confided to a spiritual leader cannot be disclosed. Job did not know the full story of what was going on in his life. At that moment he had no need to know; full disclosure would not have been helpful to him. He needed to pass the test of faith.
Job's question," If someone dies, will they live again? (Job 14:14), can be answered affirmatively by any Christian. That question sounds so basic to us because the answer was fully disclosed in the New Testament by Christ himself, who is the resurrection and the life. We now fully know there is more to life than our earthly existence. However, with this knowledge comes great responsibility. Everything that we do needs to be done in view of eternity.
May the Lord richly bless you!