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Ezra 3 - 5 Ezra 3 - 5

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Ezra 3 - 5

Posted by: Pasteur Etzer Altidor on Sat, May 4, 2019

Brothers and Sisters,

To hear the news coming from Haiti, it seems that the country has lost its way. Everyday the lawlessness seems to be getting worst. I was at the barbershop this afternoon, one of the barbers there challenged me with this question: " Pastor, should we continue to pray for Haiti to get better or try something else?" I answered that we should do both. We should  pray more than ever for the leadership of the country and we should open ourselves to learn from others who had been successful in directing their countries to a better future. 

There are a lot to learn from the story of the rebuilders of Jerusalem in the book of Ezra. Today as we read Ezra 3-5 I encourage you to think about what every Haitian can do at a personal leadership level to help their country. True and lasting changes must start first within. Most crises are spiritual ones. 

Ezra 3 - 5.

May the Lord richly bless you! 

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